Class of 1988
Price of a Gallon of Gas: $ .90
Average In-State CA College Tuition: $1,431
Price of a Big Mac: $2.39
What was new in innovation, culture and education?
First transatlantic fibre optic cable laid. Stephen Hawking Publishes " A Brief History Of Time " and the US Stealth Bomber is unveiled.
Using Carbon Dating it is established that the Turin Shroud Can Not Be the Burial Cloth of Christ. Over 1/3 of Yellowstone National Park is destroyed by fires combined with the 1988 Drought. Rain Man and Who Framed Roger Rabbit are in theaters.
In the case of Honig v. Doe, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the state of California could not indefinitely suspend a student for behavior that was related to his/her disability.