Class of 1973
Price of a Gallon of Gas: $ .39
Average In-State CA College Tuition: $ 510
Price of a Big Mac: $ .65
What was new in innovation, culture and education?
Cellular phones, Car air bags, Genetic engineering, Ethernet cables, and Fiber optic. The Oil crisis OPEC oil to increase by 200%; Rowe vs. Wade makes “choice” a US constitutional right,
American Graffiti movie released (George Lucas’ first blockbuster), US Sears tower tallest building in the world, introduction of the Quarter Pounder.
The Rehabilitation Act becomes law. Section 504 of this act guarantees civil rights for people with disabilities in the context of federally funded institutions and requires accommodations in schools including participation in programs and activities as well as access to buildings. Today, "504 Plans" are used to provide accommodations for students with disabilities who do not qualify for special education or an IEP.
Hall of Fame recipients: Bill Toone, Mark Sanchez, Jeannie Hume, Don Higginson.